LegoWorld 2018 was the first time LLMTC did a event. In total our group consisted of 6 persons, but due to private and professional appointments, most of the days between 4 and 5 of us were attending at any time. Because during those 8 days we had over 100.000 vistitors, it just wasn’t possible to have two unreliable trains run at the same time. So most of the time the inner circle had a DE3 diesel, or a NS1600 running, both of them wich were impressive (3 car close coupled in grey and a loco + 10 wagons) and ran without any hiccups. On the outer loop, we were most of the time experimenting with for example the PUP system, loco’s with the PFx Brick, or even sometimes running several trains at one track, all based on line of sight to avoid collisions. When you are 8 days at an event, you stop caring a little bit about prototypical running…

Different than ‘normal’, our layout was build in diorama style, meaning most of the layout was a straight line with a backdrop, with a half circle on both ends that lead into a Shadow Station + track. This means that half of the layout wasn’t part of the actual layout, just like in for example most British model railways.
There were some really great advantages to this design, the major being that we had an extremely long line of sight for running our 10+ container trains. It also meant we could have a station-to-station layout, meaning that at both ends we had a station where (theoretically) trains could stop. This also means there was an actualy ‘story’ to be told to children coming to visit Legoworld; the train left the one station, ran trough the Dutch landscape, and then arrived in the other train station, before making a turn and running out of sight.